PGM visits Tithebarn for a Special Birthday
Our PGM, RW Bro. Peter Connolly, made a trip to Tithebarn on Saturday 30th March 2013, to help celebrate the 100th Birthday of Mrs Phyllis Hooton.
Phyllis, who is still active in her Ladies Lodge as the Lodge Almoner, was surprised to recieve not only our PGM but also several of her Lodge collegues and other masonic well wishers from the area. including the committee members in full dress regalia.
Peter Connolly came as the Senior Mason and gave a short address to Phylils after which all the guests were served with a piece of birthday cake and a glass of wine. Phyllis is still talking about her day.

                                The Photographs show Peter Connolly addressing Phyllis and her guests. 

Information from Laurie Scott. (Chairman of the friends committee)